'Books in Paradise' will be posted every weekend (mostly on Sunday). To view all my Books in Paradise posts click HERE.
This month I try to buy no book. But I have received an book and an audiobook for review:

ღ Nacht - Elena Melodia | goodreads
ღ Merlin der Magier - Richard J. Lionheart | publisher
I read two books:

ღ Das Lied der Banshee - Janika Nowak | goodreads
ღ Anna Dressed In Blood - Kendare Blake | goodreads
Upcoming reviews next week:

ღ My Soul to Lose - Rachel Vincent
ღ Der Märchenerzähler - Antonia Michaelis
ღ Anna Dressed In Blood - Kendare Blake
I want to read:

ღ All I Want For Christmas - Ros Clarke | goodreads
ღ Die Hand des Dämons - Wolfgang Hohlbein | goodreads
ღ Merlin der Magier - Richard J. Lionheart | publisher
This week added only one book to my wishlist:

ღ Der Klang der Sirenen - Tricia Rayburn | goodreads

I do participate in a special reading challenge. I read a post on Rachel Vincents blog about an awesome Soul Screamers Reading Challenge by Fiktshun that starts today! For more information visit her blog, click HERE.
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