'Books in Paradise' is a comprehensive post, where I write about the new books on my shelf (bought, received for review, gotten from library and so on), the books I enjoyed reading, the books I'm currently reading and the books I'm planning to read next. Furhtermore I would share the books I added om my wishlist.
From now on 'Books in Paradise' will be posted every weekend (mostly on Sunday).
This week I bought four book, got two books as present and got nine kindle-freebies (but I do not list them up):

ღ Spectyr - Philippa Ballentine
ღ Weihnachtsgeschichten - Nicole Stoye
ღ 24. Dezember - Eva Markert
ღ Jenny Pox - JL Bryan
ღ Endlich! - Ildikó von Kürthy
ღ Liebesmärchen in New York - Nora Roberts
I read three books and one book belong to my favorites:

ღLiebesmärchen in New York - Nora Roberts
I'm reading right now:

ღ Saint Nick - Wolfgang Hohlbein
ღ Wer den Tod ruft - Wolfgang Hohlbein
ღ Aftermath - Leonard Hilley
I plan to read these books, next week:

ღ Die Augen Rasputins - Petra Hammesfahr
ღ Der Märchenerzähler - Antonia Michaelis
Like every time I added 35 books on my wishlist, I know that's abnormal but I can't help it. Take a look on my wishlist at goodreads (date added: Dec 04, - Dec 11, 2011).
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